2018 - 2023 • PekaPeka to Otaki Expressway
Milling - Hotmix - Transporting - Bulk Aggregate - Bottom Dumping
Milling - Hotmix - Transporting - Bulk Aggregate - Bottom Dumping

2021 - 2022 • Specialised Sand Cartage 26,000T Waikato to Wellington

2021 - Mackays to PekaPeka Expressway
Milling - Hotmix - Transporting - Bulk Aggregate - Bottom Dumping
Milling - Hotmix - Transporting - Bulk Aggregate - Bottom Dumping

2021 - Present • Rock Supply and Deliver

2021 - Present • Sub-Contracting to Clients

2021 - Transmission Gully
Bottom Dumping - Transporting - Bulk Aggregates
Bottom Dumping - Transporting - Bulk Aggregates

2021 - Present • Clean and Contaminated Waste Disposal

2021 - Present • Transporter Moves
Specialising in Roading Equipment, Crushers, Logging Gear
Specialising in Roading Equipment, Crushers, Logging Gear